Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The Sunday before last marked the kickoff of family season at Mountain Sky- an exciting time for the guests and the staff too! All of our training was finally going to be put to the test and we were all pumped to get the season started. There were only 9 guests so the 4:1 staff to guest ratio made for unbeatable service! With so few guests, we were told to be as involved as possible in all ranch events to ensure that everyone was having a fun time- especially the kids! This place is like a giant playground and the games we concoct make me want to be 12 again!

Each week follows the same routine in terms of activities- Sunday night when the guests arrive we always play a heated game of dodge ball and then everyone at the ranch gathers in a circle on the front lawn to scream the Mountain Sky theme song. You would be surprised how competitive middle-aged men and women can be at a phys. ed.  game.. It’s a fun, high energy way to welcome everyone to the ranch and blow off any pent up steam we might have on eachother from the previous week :) The first night went off without a hitch and I was so excited for the fun to come during the week.

I was lucky enough to work kids’ programs on Monday night as well, which is historically the night of ‘Stealth’, a game where counselors and kids cover themselves in mud and dart all over the forest to hide from seekers with loaded super soakers. The point of the game is to sneak back to the home base in the lodge and blow a whistle before being blasted with water. Unfortunately, Monday evening brought thunderstorms, lightning, and a steady flow of rain for over an hour. We were prepared to settle for a movie night, but just as we were about to throw in the towel, the storm tamed and the clouds disappeared. (The weather here is absolutely bipolar- I’ll be in a hat and mitts in the morning and a bikini by noon!) We talked to the only three kids planning to participate and decided to play the game after all.

The first few rounds were a blast! I think the counselors were more into it than the kids.. I was army crawling through the dirt, hopping on top of roofs, running through thistles, using every stealth move I could think of to win the game. Everything was going great until we decided to play one last round: guys vs. girls. I went sprinting away from the base to try a new approach- I caught more and more speed flying down a gravel road with the wind at my back. I was just about to turn a corner when my foot gave out from underneath me and I tumbled to the ground. I looked down at my right ankle and immediately knew it didn’t look right. I thought I could jump up and walk it off like I have so many times, but I knew this felt different. Everything started to get dark and I realized that I was about to faint. I saw an opponent in the distance and told them I’d fallen and needed help- I’m pretty sure they thought it was a ploy to win the game, but luckily they came and helped me. Thank goodness we had first aid training just a week before! My ankle swelled up to the size of a softball within minutes! I kept telling people it was a sprain and apologized for ruining the game, but the EMT on the ranch said I needed to get X-rays ASAP, so before I knew it, Molly was at my side and the three of us were off to the ER in Livingston— so thankful she was there to listen to me moan, groan, and complain about ruining the whole summer for the entire 45 minute ride. I swear that girl is always there to hold my hand, whether I'm getting a tattoo or a just a bruise :) 

The X-rays came back clear, praise the Lord- just a really painful sprain! I was sentenced to a few days on crutches, a lot of icing, and four days off of work (and dancing) to rest.. I was so worried I was going to get sent home, but apparently it’s illegal to fire someone if they get injured ha! Having four days of down time wasn't so bad - Train was right when they said 'these bruises make for better conversation'. I loved getting visitors at the pool while I was icing and elevating. My StrengthsFinder says my top strengths are competition and command, but Gretchen says that if you pay extra you can find out your weaknesses. I have a feeling mine would say ankles…

In other news, Molly and I both finally experienced our first bouts of homesickness. This is what happens when we try to be independent..We have been pretty spoiled having our families so close for the last couple decades! Luckily, her mom, Tami, came out to visit with a few of her friends this week- perfect timing! They were able to have some much needed quality time and we all had a chance to go out for dinner with Steve Vedders and his friend too. It’s been great having him just an hour away in Bozeman- comforting to have a lifeline/ dance teacher/ overprotective brother around! I can’t wait for my mom and dad to finally visit this week and Kristin and Ben next week so I can show them what we have been up to! This job honestly doesn’t even feel like work. Everyday is something new, fun, and exciting! This past Saturday I got paid to slip and slide for three hours and tonight I get to dress up like a cowgirl and take a hayride with kids down to lower ranch for dinner ride... I swear I am dreaming!


  1. I just read through your blog and love hearing of the adventures you are having in MT! Bummer about the ankle, but I'm sure you were so determined to have it heal quickly:) Soak it all in - you guys are having a once in a lifetime experience this summer! Say HI to Molly!!!

  2. Love your blog sis! Proud of you and happy for you!
